Cuba's communist government controls all aspects of life. The government in prison people for their peaceful political beliefs . Their is a unknown number of political prisoners, because the government does not show such information and keeps its prisons off-limits to human rights organizations.A local human rights organization have counted that more than 200 political prisoners currently detained in Cuba. Also their are about 5,000 people sentenced for dangerousness. The human rights in Cuba is so unfair because the Cuban government denies the people the right to change their own government.Some of the right's being violated are beatings and abuse of prisoners, including human rights activists, harsh and life-threatening prison conditions, including denial of medical care.Beatings, and threats against political opponents by government-recruited mobs, police, and State Security officials, arrest and detention of human rights members of independent professional organizations.Denial of fair trial, and interference with privacy, including monitoring of private communications. There were also severe limitations on freedom of speech and press,denial of peaceful assembly and association, restrictions on freedom of movement; restrictions on freedom of religion; and refusal to recognize domestic human rights groups or permit them to function legally. Discrimination against persons of African descent, domestic violence, underage prostitution, trafficking in persons, and severe restrictions on worker rights, including the right to form independent unions, were also problems.

People should care about how the Cuban government violet's most of the human rights. Do you think it is fair that the Cuban people cannot choose their government? Or the fact that they can not choose what religion they want to be part off. They can not express their feelings or thought of the government without being punished. That is something we take for granted, the fact that we can express our feelings about anything we want without being punished for it.Do you think is fair that some private Human right organization workers , that go to Cuba to try to help the Cuban people are arrested and punished brutally without any reason? To think that you can not even talk on the phone without the government knowing what you are talking about. That are only some of the rights the Cuban have been violated of.
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